Thursday, September 27, 2007

There is an agent in the family!

Not for me yet -- I still have to finish that novel -- but my husband landed an agent for his supernatural thriller. Hoo, hah! I can take some credit because I wrote the query for him, since the one he'd written kind of rambled all over the place. After studying 700 hooks on Miss Snark's blog, I had a better idea of how to compose a query for him, and the first mailing to 10 agents resulted in about half that many requests. The agent who picked up the project has just started shopping the manuscript around. One rejection from one well-known publisher, another highly reputable publisher asked for a look. We hope there will be more good news soon.


  1. Congratulations. Good luck with it getting further.

  2. Hey, I love your blog! If it's okay with you, I'm going to post a link on my blog. Great stuff!

    J. Louise Larson

  3. Congratulations to your husband! Five out of ten requests is WAY different from the norm. A well-written query can even save an agency from rejecting you. Here's to hoping he'll buy you the pair of diamond earrings and trip to the spa that you deserve!
